

Dräger, J., Washbrook, E., Schneider, T., Akabayashi, H., Keizer, R., Solaz, A., Waldfogel, J., de la Rie, S., Kameyama, Y., Kwon, S., Nozaki, K., Perinetti Casoni, V., Sano, S., Sheridan, A., & Shikishima, C. 2024. "Cross-national Differences in Socioeconomic Achievement Inequality in Early Primary School: The Role of Parental Education and Income in Six Countries." AERA Open, 10. https://doi.org/10.1177/23328584241299794 link

Akabayashi, Hideo, Shimpei Taguchi, and Mirka Zvedelikova. 2024. “School ICT Resources, Teachers, and Online Education: Evidence from School Closures in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Education Economics. Education Economics, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/09645292.2024.2362917 link.

Akabayashi, Hideo, and Ryuichi Tanaka. 2024. “The Rate of Return to Early Childhood Education in Japan: Estimates from the Nationwide Expansion.” Education Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/09645292.2024.2346773 link.

Shigemasu, Kazuo, Masanori Kono, Shun Ikemoto, and Hideo Akabayashi. 2024. “Causal Effect of Parental Reading on Later Development of Children: Demonstrating a Bayesian Approach.” British Journal of Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12482 link.

Wang, Jie, Hideo Akabayashi, Masayuki Kobayashi, and Shinpei Sano. 2024. “Student Loan Debt and Family Formation of Youth in Japan.” Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2024.2307972 link.

Waldfogel, Jane, Sarah Jiyoon Kwon, Yi Wang, Liz Washbrook, Valentina Perinetti Casoni, Melanie Olczyk, Thorsten Schneider, Lidia Panico, Anne Solaz, Sabine Weinert, Anna Volodina, Sanneke de la Rie, Renske Keizer, Kayo Nozaki, Jun Yamashita, Yuriko Kameyama, Hideo Akabayashi. 2023. “Inequalities in Resources for Preschool-age Children by Parental Education: Evidence from Six Advanced Industrialized Countries.” European Journal of Population. 39 (1): 37. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10680-023-09685-0 link

Akabayashi, Hideo, Tim Ruberg, Chizuru Shikishima, and Jun Yamashita. 2023. “Education-Oriented and Care-Oriented Preschools Implications on Child Development.” Labour Economics, July, 102410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102410 link

Panico, Lidia, Cesarine Boinet, Hideo Akabayashi, Sanneke de la Rie, Sarah Jiyoon Kwon, Yuriko Kameyama, Renske Keizer, et al. 2023. “International Differences in Gradients in Early Childhood Overweight and Obesity: The Role of Maternal Employment and Formal Childcare Attendance.” European Journal of Public Health, April, ckad058. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad058 link

Hideo Akabayashi, Shimpei Taguchi, and Mirka Zvedelikova. 2023. “Access to and Demand for Online School Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan.” International Journal of Educational Development 96 (January): 102687. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2022.102687 link

Naoi, Michio, Hideo Akabayashi, Ryosuke Nakamura, Kayo Nozaki, Shinpei Sano, Wataru Senoh, and Chizuru Shikishima. 2021. “Causal Effects of Family Income on Educational Investment and Child Outcomes: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Japan.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 60 (June): 101122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjie.2021.101122 Link

Nakamura, Ryosuke, Jun Yamashita, Hideo Akabayashi, Teruyuki Tamura, and Yang Zhou. 2020. “A Comparative Analysis of Children’s Time Use and Educational Achievement: Assessing Evidence from China, Japan and the United States.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 6 (2): 257–85. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057150X20911871 link

Akabayashi, Hideo, Kayo Nozaki, Shiho Yukawa, and Wangyang Li. 2020. “Gender Differences in Educational Outcomes and the Effect of Family Background: A Comparative Perspective from East Asia.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 6 (2): 315–35. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057150X20912581 link

Akabayashi, Hideo, and Michio Naoi. 2019. “Subject Variety and Incentives to Learn: Evidence from Public High School Admission Policies in Japan.” Japan and the World Economy 52 (December): 100981. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japwor.2019.100981 link

Akabayashi, Hideo, Ryosuke Nakamura, Michio Naoi, and Chizuru Shikishima. 2016. “Toward an International Comparison of Economic and Educational Mobility: Recent Findings from the Japan Child Panel Survey.” Educational Studies in Japan International Yearbook 10 (0): 49–66. link

Sunyoun Lee, Hideo Akabayashi,Akiko Kamesaka,.Byung-Yeon Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Hyoung-Seok Lim, Masao Ogaki,.Fumio Ohtake, and Xiangyu Qu. 2014. ""Worldviews and Altruistic Behavior: A Progress Report on Experimental Study. Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance. Vol. 7: 79-83. link

Akabayashi, Hideo 2015 An Equilibrium Model of Child Maltreatment , Behavioral Interactions, Markets, and Economic Dynamics: Topics in Behavioral Economics Editors: Ikeda, S., Kato, H.K., Ohtake, F., Tsutsui, Y. (Eds.) 3-41. 10.1007/978-4-431-55501-8

Akabayashi, Hideo, and Ryosuke Nakamura. 2014. “Can Small Class Policy Close the Gap? An Empirical Analysis of Class Size Effects in Japan: Can Small Class Policy Close the Gap?” Japanese Economic Review 65 (3): 253–81. https://doi.org/10.1111/jere.12017 link

Akabayashi, Hideo, and Hiroko Araki. 2011. “Do Education Vouchers Prevent Dropout at Private High Schools? Evidence from Japanese Policy Changes.” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 25 (3): 183–98. link

Akabayashi, Hideo. 2006a. “An Equilibrium Model of Child Maltreatment.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (6): 993–1025. link

Akabayashi, Hideo. 2006b. “The Labor Supply of Married Women and Spousal Tax Deductions in Japan—a Structural Estimation.” Review of Economics of the Household 4 (4): 349–78. link

Akabayashi, Hideo, and George Psacharopoulos. 1999. “The Trade‐off between Child Labour and Human Capital Formation: A Tanzanian Case Study.” Journal of Development Studies 35 (5): 120–40. link


Yamaguchi, Amane, Chizuru Shikishima, Tetsuya Kawamoto, Hideo Akabayashi, & Juko Ando. 2024. "Relationship between Grit and Academic Achievement of Elementary and Junior High School Students: Genetic and Environmental Structure." The Japanese Journal of Personality (In Japanese). 33(3): 162-164. https://doi.org/10.2132/personality.33.3.3 link

Yamaguchi, Kazuhiro, Chizuru Shikishima, Takahiro Hoshino, Kazuo Shigemasu, and Hideo Akabayashi. 2019. “Vertical Scaling of Academic Ability Tests for Elementary School First Year Students through Junior High School Third Year Students.” Japanese Journal of Psychology 90 (4): 408–18. link

赤林 英夫2007「学校選択と教育ヴァウチャー 政策と研究」『現代経済学の潮流2007』 pp.189-216 (東洋経済新報社) (校正前最終稿)


Akabayashi, H., and R. Tanaka. 2013. “Long-term Effects of Preschooling on Educational Attainments”, GRIPS Discussion Paper, No. 12-21.link


赤林英夫2024『奨学金政策を理解するための経済理論の基礎』「IDE 現在の高等教育」2024/6 No661(特集:「無償化」と奨学金制度の課題). (校正前最終稿PDF)

赤林英夫2021『教育経済学ことはじめ―教育学部生・教育現場が知っておいた方がいい経済学の基礎』「三田教育学研究」2021 No29(特集:高等教育の無償化を問う). (校正前最終稿PDF)

赤林英夫2020『経済学から見た高等教育無償化政策』「IDE 現在の高等教育」2020/2-3 No618(特集:高等教育の無償化を問う). (校正前最終稿PDF)

赤林英夫・佐野晋平2019『校長が在籍児童生徒のアウトカムに与える効果の統計的計測』「財務省財務総合政策研究所フィナンシャル・レビュー」令和元年第6号(第141 号). 出版稿


赤林英夫・直井道生・敷島千鶴(編著)2016『学力・心理・家庭環境の経済分析-全国小中学生の追跡調査から見えてきたもの』有斐閣. アマゾン

樋口・赤林・大野・慶應義塾大学パネル調査設計・解析センター編.2013.『働き方と幸福感のダイナミズム―家族とライフサイクルの影響(パネルデータによる政策評価分析4) 』慶應義塾大学出版会. アマゾン


経済協力開発機構(OECD) (原著), 赤林英夫 (監修・翻訳), 濱田久美子 (翻訳) 『教育の経済価値――質の高い教育のための学校財政と教育政策』, 明石書店 アマゾン

Henry M. Levin,‎ Patrick J. McEwan (原著),‎ 赤林英夫 (監訳)『教育の費用効果分析―学校・生徒の教育データを使った政策の評価と立案』,‎日本評論社 アマゾン


Akabayashi, H., R. Nakamura, M. Naoi, K. Nozaki, S. Sano, W. Senoh, ,C. Shikishima, and J. Yamashita, 2014. "Dynamics of Educational Inequality among Children in Japan: Findings from the First Four Years of the Japan Child Panel Survey. Presented at 20th International Panel Data Conference, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo (July 10, 2014) 【招待講演】


赤林英夫2024「私立中高一貫校の高校入学枠維持が必要だ」『週刊ダイヤモンド』2024.9.28, p.67. (ウェブ版)
赤林英夫2017 「教育を変える経済学の思考法」『教職研修』2018年4月号-2019年3月号 (1)経済学は教育の敵? (2)教育経済学と教育社会学の違い (3)「競争」と教育のこじれた関係 (4)「努力」をめぐる経済学と教育学のギャップ (5)ノーベル経済学賞の仕組みが教員人事を変える? (6)やりがいの罠:教員の働き方を考える (7)教員へのインセンティブ設計の考え方 (8)教育に必要な「機会費用」の考え方 (9)情報の生産としての「説明責任」:教員の働き方を考える2 (10)エビデンスに基づく教育政策の課題①:地方分権とビッグデータの矛盾 (11)エビデンスに基づく教育政策の課題②:科学的・中立的政策分析に向けて (12)教育の価値はお金か?行動経済学と「ナッジ」で考える
赤林英夫2017 「教育に必要な条件整備をどう図るか」 『教職研修』. Vol.45-5. 第533号: pp.32-33
赤林英夫2016 「子どもパネル調査から始まる探索の旅(『学力・心理・家庭環境の経済分析-全国小中学生の追跡調査から見えてきたもの』). 第648号: pp.64-68.
赤林英夫2016 「経済的貧困と学力 -経済格差と学力格差」 『指導と評価』. 62巻:第734号: pp.6-8.
赤林英夫2007 「的外れな日本の教育バウチャー論争:諸外国に見る制度の実態」『中央公論』2007年2月号, pp.206-215.(校正前最終稿PDF)


赤林英夫2017「やさしい経済学:教育投資の優先順位を考える『日本経済新聞』(1)~教育は社会の投資活動」(2)~判断尺度の基本は「収益率」(3) ~幼児・初等教育で高い収益率 (4) ~家庭環境で異なる学校の効果 (5) ~収益率の差に配慮必要 (6) 段階ごとに政策手段組み合わせ (7) ~保育は定員、小中は質に課題 (8) ~大学無償化、他の改革と一体で


赤林英夫2024.12.4 「東京と大阪の高校無償化で “教育格差”は縮められた? 教育の機会均等はどう実現できるのか、教育経済学者に聞く」AERA with Kids+
赤林英夫2024.8.31 「東証マネ部インタビュー:「教育経済学」が社会に与える影響」前編後編
赤林英夫2024.1.16 「私立高校無償化で中学受験が激化!浮いた学費は学習塾へ、「親ガチャ」を助長:教育格差の縮小につながらないバラマキ・ポピュリズム」JBPress
2020.11.14-12.05 「コスパで測るコロナ下の学校教育と大学受験」ヒューモニー(Humony International)第1回 コスパが疑問な“少人数学級” 第2回 コスパで考える大学入試 第3回 学費無償化のコスパを担保するためには 最終回 大学9月入学のコスパを考える